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Ways you can help Dream Holidays
All donations large or small make a big difference to us. There are several ways you can help us….. Whether you want to make a one off donation, a direct payment via your bank or set up a standing order you will find all the information you need here.

Ways To Donate
Whether you just want to make a one off donation, or commit to a regular monthly amount, you can find out how to donate by clicking the button below.
Dream Holidays
One off donation
Cheque or cash donations: Print off the payment form below, fill it in with your details and mail it to the address, along with your payment to the address on the form.
Credit or debit card donations: These can be done in the same way by filling out the information on the below form and returning it to the address on the form.
Alternatively you can telephone our office (01775 670399) and make a card payment over the phone.
Standing Order and direct payments
Regular monthly, quarterly or yearly payments are particularly beneficial to us as they allow us to plan ahead knowing that funding is in place. Simply print off the bank form below, fill it in with your details and mail it to the address on the form.
If you would like to make a payment directly into our account our bank details are on the this form.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to us. Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we will currently receive an extra 25 pence from the government through HMRC. This means that a £10 Gift Aid donation, is worth £12.50 to us without costing you the extra. To enable us to claim Gift Aid on your donation you must supply your Title, First Initial, Surname and Full address with Postcode and sign the declaration stating that you are a UK taxpayer. Without all of these details we are unable to claim on your behalf.
Online Shopping
Another great way to help us to raise funds is to shop via Just log on, choose Children with Cystic Fibrosis Dream Holidays as your chosen charity and make the online purchases that you would have made anyway. There are lots of online retailers such as eBay, Argos, Tesco, M&S and Curry’s on there and many give exclusive offers. You can also book your holiday by going through them first as many of the major holiday companies have signed up with them.
If you shop at Amazon you can use this link below, choose us as your chosen Charity, then each time you shop there click on Smile.Amazon first. A percentage of your total purchase price comes to us!
Leaving a Legacy
From 6 April 2012, the Government has introduced a reduced rate of inheritance tax of 36% for estates leaving 10% or more to charity. Legacy donations are very important to us as they allow us to plan ahead. For more detailed information about legacies please contact us and we can send you our leaflet on this.